Games of the week for 02/22/09: Stop touching those monkeys edition

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I’m feeling lazy tonight, so this week I’ve decided to post some more Flight of the Conchords to accompany our videogame rundown. This particular song has been getting a lot of attention from yours truly, so it deserves the highlight.

As per usual, the Destructoid staff had the nerve to play some videogames, and are going to tell you all about it. Hit the jump to find out what we’ve been up to, for God’s sake!

Topher: SFIV, duh.

Also, Noby Noby Boy and Puzzle Fighter.

DMV: I haven’t played Haunting Ground for the last couple of weeks, and popping it in, I forgot how much of a chore the game has become. It’s got a lot of good elements to it, but they just really screwed up on delivery. Other than that, I just got through Soul Nomad and the World Eaters, after it taking forever. Now I’m kind of at a loss as to what to play next.

Niero: Streetuuuuuuuuufightaaaaaaaaaaa Foaaaah!

Colette: Noby Noby Boy, LIT, Tales of Vesperia, and Dragon Quest V: Hand of the
Heavenly Bride
Jim: Flower and Noby Noby Boy make up my PS3 gaming for the week. Both very unique titles, both packing flaws and flashes of brilliance that demand attention. On the Xbox 360, I’ve been playing as much Halo Wars as I can handle and as much X-Blades as I can stand. Which is to say, the bare minimum required for me to review them. Trying to clear out as many review games as possible, because the coming week is all Killzone, son!
Conrad: A lot of GTA IV has been played in the Zimmerman household, putting the DLC through its paces. Also, I played through an intriguing little PC adventure title that I’ll be writing about early next week. And Cave Story has taken up a considerable amount of my leisure gaming time.
Grim: I’ve mainly been rocking Sagat in SFIV, trying not to go insane from Prinny: Can I Really be the Hero? being ridiculously tough, and playing loads of Death Tank on Xbox LIVE Arcade.
Hamza: I’m playing through Dead Space again. I find it’s the only thing that can really calm down my stress levels … by increasing my HOLY SHIT FUCK levels instead. Granted, it’s really the music that scares me the second time through rather than the Necromorphs.
Oh, and I also played Damnation, FUEL, and Jumpgate Evolution at a Codemasters’ event this past week. Dear Codemasters, I don’t want to party. I want to see your games and not have to fight through a sea of drunken journalists in a small bar with loud music blaring. This goes to all videogame companies, actually.
Nick: I haven’t been playing as much Street Fighter IV as I’ve wanted to, although I suppose I got a lot of that out of my system when I was reviewing it. However, now that everyone has it, I want to get online and start losing to people who are better than me. Henry Hatsworth for the Nintendo DS has also been played, at least one stage before bedtime; I have until mid-March to finish it up for review, so I’m taking it slowly. The last few days have also been filled with 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand which is…going to get a full review this Tuesday, so I’m not going to say anything else. Also received the full version of Galactrix, which I played a bit on the PC; I’m scared to spend more time with it, as I have a full catalogue of games I already have to review, and Puzzle Quest is definitely a productivity vampire.

Also, I’m the only person on the planet who hasn’t played Noby Noby Boy. Is that something I should do?

Chad: I have no idea what I played this week because I JUST SWAM WITH MOTHER EFFIN’ DOLPHINS!

I think I might have dabbled in some Street Fighter IV, Flower, Noby Noby Boy, Tomb Raider: Underworld, and Life Force, but I am not really sure.

Dolphins are officially > videogames.

Heck, dolphins are officially > anything on this Earth. šŸ™‚

Fronz: This week I went back to the Puzzle Quest DS game to make some progress on it. I still love it, but I had ditched it in the past to finish Professor Layton. Puzzle Quest is starting to get too easy though. It seems like some of the more expensive items are too unbalanced since it’s way too easy to get a lot of money in that game by sieging the crap out of the world map.
J. Ross: My life has been totally consumed by Street Fighter IV, but I’ve managed to throw in a bit of Puzzle Quest: Galactrix since I picked it up.
J. Holmes: I played a decent amount of SSF2THD this week to practice for Gamestop’s SF IV tournament. I didn’t do half bad, made it to the finals and everything, which is saying a lot considering the guys other guys in the tournament playing had been playing the game all week, and I hadn’t played it since E3 08.

Also played more Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers, Radio Allergy, House of the Dead: Overkill, Noby Noby Boy, Tatsunoko Vs Capcom, Loco Roco 2, and Prinny: Can I really be a hero?

It was one of the all time great weeks in videogame history.

Ashley: I didn’t have a lot of time to play anything this week, but I did get in some Retro Game Challenge, Big Bang Mini, and Noby Noby Boy. Also, after months of being depressed that PSP owners get the opportunity to have Jumping Flash! in portable form, much less any form at all, I finally got the Playstation version from Goozex and played through a lot of it yesterday. I’m joyous, but still jealous of PSP owners because of Prinny.. one step at a time, I suppose.
Jim: I just picked up Prinny and started it. Definitely one of those “hard for the sake of hard” games, although part of it is the fact that Prinny controls like shit, so that isn’t good. Not sure if it’s as great as I’d hoped it’d be.
Ashley: That’s all I’ve heard about it, but not playing games with bird protagonists is against my religion.
Grim: The more I play Prinny, the less I like it. The weird thing is, I’m normally all over games like Ghosts ‘n Goblins.
Samit: I’m near the end of “Scientific Pursuits” in Fallout 3 — on the way, I came upon Evergreen Mills, which is a strange little settlement. I tell you, A3-21’s Plasma Rifle almost makes the game too easy…

I also downloaded Noby Noby Boy and spent 15-20 minutes with it on Friday night. It’s…interesting. I’ve already unlocked a few Trophies, which is nice, and I really like the fact that it’s just a playground, and you can make of it what you will. It’s also made me shout things like “Holy shit, that’s awesome” more than enough times to make it worth the five-dollar purchase price.

Finally, I went to a Dtoid NY NARP at Zen Albatross’ place and played Street Fighter IV, Rock Band, 3 on 3 NHL Arcade, and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. I suck at Street Fighter, but I played HD Remix for about an hour and a half with Shael Riley of OC ReMix, who co-directed the music for the game — and after playing with Ryu for most of that time, I showed marked improvement. Like, I still can’t pull off moves with regularity (i.e., when I want to), but I’m a lot better now than I was before last night. Yay!

My left thumb is really sore, though…I’ll probably have a blister tomorrow.

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