Okay, let’s put this one to rest, shall we? Enough of this arrow-plus-knee nonsense. Time to cut to the core of the matter, dig up the truth, and swallow our findings no matter what they may be.
Game Theory has been around for almost a year but just recently became a new ScrewAttack partner series. It’s a show about doing research — honest-to-God, nose-to-the-books research — to determine the validity of videogame logic. In the latest episode, the insufferable “arrow to the knee” epidemic is placed under the microscope, and we learn not only Skyrim‘s connection to Viking history but also the group responsible for all these career-ending knee injuries.
Now let us never speak of this topic again!
Game Theory – Skyrim: On the Subject of Arrows and Knees [ScrewAttack]
Published: Jan 22, 2012 10:00 pm