Opportunities to share news like this with you, my friends, does not come around often enough, so if you don’t mind I’m going to relish the moment here. Kotaku recently reported (via Globo) about a rather unusual hostage case: a sixty year old woman was held hostage at gun point for ten hours in Brazil. The hilarious part of all this is the gun used was a Sega Light Phaser that came packed with the Sega Master System. That poor old lady! Chad Concelmo would surely have punched some sense into her had he been present.
The man released the hostage in the end and negiotiated with police. You may notice that in the picture above he actually also had a few knives on him, which he apparently didn’t think were as threatening as the Light Phaser. I also like the fact that he’s arm in arm with the lady in the pic with his knives in tow — I guess she thought he was right to take a lady hostage for ten hours? For all we know, that could be the hostage. The possibilities BOGGLE THE MIND!
Published: Feb 27, 2009 11:40 am