I’m so far from being convinced that this pic is legit. If you’re going to leak unreleased content for a game, why would you ever leak just one pic, and why would that pic be of just the upper part of the screen? Why not shoot video, like that vid of Jill in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 that we got a while back? Unless this pic was taken with a super secret spy cam deep within the bowels of Capcom’s R&D, there’s really explanation for why it’s so unrevealing.
Still, I thought this info was worth posting. Not only could it be legit, but more importantly, it’s interesting. I know a lot of critics of the gaming press hate it when we post rumors like this, but the fact is, this kind of stuff can be fun to think about. As a huge fan of the Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, I know I’m having fun deciding if I think this is real or not, and I figured you guys would too.
One thing I know I’ve decided is that I hope that all the DLC characters for Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 are cheap, and available for sale on an individual basis. I’d be happy to buy Frank, Doc Ock, and Jill, but I may want to pass on whoever else Capcom eventually puts up for sale. I love Shuma Gorath and Strider as much as the next guy, but I can just boot up Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 if I want to pay them a visit.
Thanks to everyone who sent this in!
Published: Mar 6, 2011 10:30 am