Forums, we have them: February 2011

This article is over 14 years old and may contain outdated information

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Morning sleepy-heads! Been a while, hasn’t it? It probably wasn’t worth the wait, but there’s a brand new edition of Forums, We Have Them anyway!

MAGfest 9 started off the year, and a good number of Dtoiders made the trip. Not only did they reportedly have a blast, but we’ve got a new badge as well! 

Like the PAX, PAX East, and GamesCom badges, this covers people who have attended MAGfest ANY year. If this applies to you, be sure to post in the Badge Request thread with some sort of proof, because we’re naturally suspicious of people who ask us for stuff.

A number of community podcasters got together to entertain your ear-holes for the sake of helping sick kids. Check out the Unofficial DTOID Community Podcast Charity Show, and try to throw a few bucks towards Child’s Play while you’re at it. It’s for sick kids man! Big props to JohnnyViral for organizing this, as well as everyone from RoboChode, 321GoCast, PersonaCast, BullTOID, The Alcoholocast, and WNES who participated!

Lots of Dtoiders got into the holiday spirit last year, as evidenced by the 2010 Destructoid Secret Santa thread. Go check out all the sweet crap people got!

It’s an established scientific fact that participating in the Forums makes you a better person, and ZombiePlatypus has created a shirt to reflect that truth (modeled by the lovely Jon Bloodspray). I heard a rumor you can get one yourself in fancy or not-quite as fancy versions.

A new year means new Completed Books\Movies\TV and Completed Games threads! Check these out if you feel the urge to obsessively list every single piece of media you consume in 2011!

Art God and creator of The Destructoid Comic Mikey has tragically been without net access for the last few months. No one should have suffer such a fate, so in order to help lift his spirits the community has started collecting their favorite Internet jokes and memes. Once we have enough, they’ll be printed out and snail-mailed to Mikey. Get your contributions in while you can.

I was going to plug Zodiac’s amazing plush Mr. Destructoid head as well as her site Story Builder Toys where you purchase lots of adorable hand-made toys (Psst! She also does custom stuff!), but she already got a front page post just a few days ago. So instead, here’s one of the many image macros of Dtoider usedtabe that invaded The Bar (and avatars) a while back, this specific one courtesy of coonskin05:

digitastik challenged the community to post their wake-up pics, and the response was groggy and possibly hungover. Danl Haas was rad enough to put together the header collage at the top of this post, but if you’d like to see more semi-naked and semi-conscious Dtoiders he also made this. Big thanks Danl!

Last year’s Dtoid Midwest NARP was a huge success, and the planning thread for 2011 has already started. However, before you get your OhioNARP on there’s also PAX East to prepare for! Start taking bets now on which community member passes out and gets set on fire this year.

Few people seem to realize (or care) that the Forums have a calendar feature. It’s not just for remembering which community members need to be told happy birthday, it’s also useful for promoting upcoming NARPs or events. I believe it’s also a dessert topping. If you have something awesome going down that you’d like posted on the calendar, please contact Zodiac or myself!

I wanted to give a huge thanks to everyone who contributes to the FWHT Suggestions & Recommendations thread. It’s a huge help when putting these posts together, and you all have my deepest gratitude.

That’s it for this month. If for some horrible reason you still haven’t checked out the Forums, sign up and get in on the fun!

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