Jayne: Money wasn’t good enough. Mal: What happens when it is?
If you were looking forward to the release of No Man’s Sky on the PC later this Summer, this deal ought to perk you up a bit. An unexpected 11% deal for No Man’s Sky has just been spotted at FunStock Digital after a June voucher code appeared. This is the first price break we’ve seen on the upcoming August 9 release.
- No Man’s Sky (Steam) — $53.07 (list price $60)
You should note that by default FunStock Digital only shows British Pound prices, but they have a drop down menu at the top of their page letting you switch to see the converted US Dollars or Euros.
This isn’t a big discount by any means but we think its noteworthy given the title hasn’t appeared at any other authorized/legitimate digital retailers beyond Steam Store and Funstock. In fact, we were working under the assumption that the game won’t be sold anywhere else but Steam Store.
The voucher code at FunStock will run through the end of the month and this is the first time it’s worked on No Man’s Sky, so two things may happen in terms of expiration: the deal will run through the entire June month- or Funstock will do away with the eligibility of the code in the near future.
Published: Jun 23, 2016 10:45 am