Development for the upcoming Dissidia: Final Fantasy seems to be moving right along. The game is due for a December release date (no word on a North American release) and is more than halfway finished. And if I’m not already guilty enough of stoking the fires of the Square Enix hype train, I’m glad to reveal that Final Fantasy IV‘s Cecil has been confirmed for Dissidia.
According to some scans from next week’s issue of Shonen Jump, Cecil Harvey will be joining the already illustrious Dissidia cast. Given Golbez’ inclusion and the hero/villain setup, I’m not particularly surprised. It is interesting, however, that we’ll be able to play as Cecil as either a paladin or dark knight.
All of Dissidia‘s characters are taken from the heroes and villains of past Final Fantasy games and thrown into a fighting/action game. For anyone keeping count at home, we still need heroic counterparts to V‘s Exdeath, VI‘s Kefka, and VII‘s Sephiroth to round out the Dissidia cast. My guesses are Bartz, Terra, and (sigh) Cloud, respectively.
Any guesses on the remaining characters? If any of you bring back that stupid “confirmed for Brawl” un-meme, I will hunt you down and slaughter you like cattle.
Just keep that in mind.
[Via Gamekyo]
Published: Sep 10, 2008 04:20 pm