eBay Germany supports Wii U’s lack of restrictions

This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

It’s a deep burn

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Whoever manages eBay Germany’s Facebook page must be a huge Nintendo fan — or at least is a master at capitalizing on current gamer worries and frustrations.

It’s apparent that Xbox One is charting a dark path, and the jury’s still out on whether PS4 will follow suit. That leaves Wii U as the only machine we know for certain is not saddled with the same level of anti-consumer “features.” With that in mind, eBay Germany took to Facebook to post a picture of the Wii U ZombiU bundle with the following caption:

-Keine Gebraucht-Spiel-Sperren
-Keine Online-Pflicht
-Kein Gedöns

Translated, it reads, “No usedgame locks, no online requirement, no fuss.”

Ice cold!

eBay.de Timeline Photo [Facebook via NeoGAF]

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