Occasionally videogames do more than entertain. These special games often transcend their own genres, capture the imagination and begin to inspire. For fans of the EarthBound series at Starmen.net, EarthBound has done just that. It has inspired a legion of fans to create, share, and take part in a larger plan to get the sequel to the series, Mother 3, to the Western world. In this case, the community has extended its passion to Will Wright’s Spore.
While Spore has had its share of problems with DRM complaints and landed itself in history by spinning off an assortment of phallic creations coined as “Sporn” it’s nice to see something beyond the complaints. Notice the detail that went into all of these builds. I’m in love with the Fobby to say the least.
Personally, I’m a huge fan of EarthBound and I’ve been waiting spectacularly too long for a release on the Wii’s Virtual Console or GBA. Yet, while we all wait, it’s cool to see what the community has done to expose the game even more.
Credits for the images are included after the break.
Image Credits
Dungeon Man, Phased Distorter – LinkFan999
Fobby – Heavily_Armed_Fobby
Ultimate Octobot, Worthless Protoplasm, Kiss of Death, Kraken, Mook, Mobile Sprout – KrakenChild
SporeMan DX, Mr. Spore Saturn – BirdPerson
Mr. Saturn – EternalSaturn
Saturn Spore – King Saturn
Territorial Oak (Header) – RaiderX
[via Starmen.net]
Published: Sep 28, 2008 11:32 am