If you thought downloading Origin would mean your Electronic Arts games would be easier to obtain, you’re not altogether correct. In the case of Star Wars: The Old Republic, EA has stated it will limit sale of the game to a percentage of customers, in order to ensure a smooth ride for players.
The restrictions go for both digital and retail copies, although EA won’t confirm exactly how limited “limited” means. The publisher has said that it would rather have fewer customers that can get into the game without problems than lots of customers who share a lower quality experience.
MMOs often struggle from a host problems at launch, and it’s hardly surprising considering how big and unwieldy they are. These limitations will (theoretically) ensure that the servers aren’t overburdened, while EA works on expanding them and allowing more customers online “as quickly as possible.”
This makes sense from a design aspect, but it’s certainly … unique … from a marketing one. Restricting copies of one of your biggest titles is one Hell of a gamble and I’m not sure if taking the “Massively” out of Massively Multiplayer is going to pay off.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Launch Copies Limited For Retail And Digital [Game Informer]
Published: Aug 19, 2011 08:00 am