An image of Kim Min Jae Thunderstruck objective in EA FC 25
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EA FC 25 Kim Min Jae Thunderstruck Objective tasks and rewards

Perfect freebie

The Kim Min Jae Thunderstruck Objective is now live in EA FC 25, and you can complete it to guarantee yourself a promo item for your Ultimate Team squad.

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The Bayern defender becomes the latest entrant to the Black Friday promo, and it’s really easy to obtain the card. Just complete all the tasks that are part of the objective set, and he is yours. To do so, you’ll have to finish all the tasks before the objective expires from Ultimate Team.

EA FC 25 Kim Min Jae Thunderstruck Objective guide

The Kim Min Jae Thunderstruck Objective has four tasks, and all of them have certain conditions. You can complete them in any order you want, but some of the tasks will finish quicker.

Lightning LockConcede no more than 1 goal per match in 3 separate matches in Squad Battles on Min. Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals).78+ x2 Rare Gold Players Pack
Thunderous StrikesScore 10 goals in Squad Battles on Min. Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals) using a player from Bundesliga.80+ x3 Rare Gold Players Pack
Stormy SquadPlay 7 matches in Squad Battles on Min. Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals) while having at least 3 players from Bundesliga in your starting 11.81+ x3 Rare Gold Players Pack
Electric TriumpsWin 5 matches in Squad Battles on Min. Semi-Pro difficulty (or Rivals) while having at least 3 players from Bundesliga in your starting 11.81+ x5 Rare Gold Players Pack

The best place to complete these tasks is in Squad Battles. You can control the difficulty of those games, and it’s always easier to play against the AI. Additionally, you can also earn Mode Mastery tokens, packs, and coins on a weekly basis.

Min Jae’s Thunderstruck item looks really good based on base stats, and Intercept+ is a bonus. Bayern are in great form in the Bundesliga, which raises the chances for Jae to get both levels of upgrades in the near future. Make sure not to miss out on this amazing objective, as the card and the fodder packs will also help you to complete the SBCs appearing next.

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