It’s been a great week so far for people who like awesome Star Wars CG trailers. First, that fantastic CG trailer for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, and now a lengthy and obscenely well-produced video for Star Wars: The Old Republic, the new MMO from Bioware and Lucasarts.
Titled “Hope,” the trailer takes place on the planet Alderaan, and shows off a bunch of republic soldiers in stormtrooper-looking armor taking on a bunch of Sith warriors and battle droids. Despite the presence of some Jedi woman who can block lightsabers with her bare hands, it’s refreshing to see regular soldier-types taking on Sith without being treated too much like cannon fodder.
It wasn’t all about the sexy non-gameplay CG, though. Presenters from Bioware and Lucasarts dropped some details on what players can expect. Among other things, they can expect to get their very own ship, and do PvP combat in special “Warzones” that recall great land battles from the movies and other work. Grand all around, I’d say.
Hit the jump for the full trailer!
Published: Jun 14, 2010 05:52 pm