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Sucker Punch might be hard at work on Infamous 2 but it’s not the only one of their franchises that we’ll be seeing something out of at E3. A sign spotted by 1UP at E3 has confirmed the existence of Sly Cooper Collection.
And what’s that in the corner? 3D? Well, that would lead me to suspect that some part of Sly Cooper Collection will be utilizing that new-fangled technology where stuff jumps out of the screen at you. I’m highly curious to know how far and deep the 3D goes.
Just having the games lumped together on one disc would be enough for me. Sly Cooper is a fantastic series and absolutely worth your attention if you haven’t experienced it yet.
E3 2010: Sly Cooper Collection Features 3D Play [1UP]
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Published: Jun 14, 2010 09:15 pm