Me and Contra are pissed. For some reason, Konami and Arc Systems have totally forsaken us. Their upcoming XBLA/PSN release, Hard Corps Uprising, is a Contra game. It just is. To play it is to play a game from the Contra series. This is an undeniable fact. Just watch the video and see for yourself. For some reason, Konami doesn’t want us to think that though. They are intentionally keeping the Contra name away from this game.
I’m not sure why Konami is up to here. Conrad Zimmerman’s only guess is that Konami made an exclusive deal with Nintendo to put Contra games on Nintendo consoles for some undetermined length of time. The last two Contra games, Contra 4 and Contra ReBirth, are both on Nintendo systems. Did Nintendo pay for that exclusivity?
Whatever the reason for this naming mishap, don’t be fooled; Hard Corps Uprising is the next Contra game. If you are a fan of this series, you have to buy it. It’s really fun. There are some new features, like dashing and some guys with point hats and…
Yeah, it’s totally a Contra game.
Also, the name is subject to change, so maybe Konami will get on the right track and call this game something appropriate like “Contra kills the alien KKK” or “Contra HD Sexy Pirates” or whatever will sell the most downloads.
Published: Jun 20, 2010 09:00 am