E3 08: NBA Live 09 screens contain traces of DNA

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Today at EA’s press conference, they showed off and talked a bit about Dynamic Live NBA DNA, the technology that the NBA uses, and is now worked into the upcoming title NBA Live 09.

Developed by Synergy Sports Technology, DNA is the ultimate in analytics. With daily data updates on everything from scoring to playing tendecies, NBA Live 09 is like a new game every day. 

New features like Pick and Roll Control, Defensive Lockdown Control, Signature Playcalling and Quickstrike Ankle-Breakers join the NBA Academy training mode to make NBA Live 09 a b-ball fan’s dream game. And with the new Dynamic DNA tech built in, players will be privy to the same software that NBA coaches and teams use.

We got to see this technology in action today. Hopefully this collection of screenshots will hold you over until October 7th, when the title is released.

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