Dynasty Warriors: Origins Weapons Tier List

Dynasty Warriors: Origins Weapons Tier List

We've ranked all ten weapon types you can choose from

In Dynasty Warriors: Origins there are ten unique weapon types for you to choose from as you roam the seven kingdoms taking on hordes of armies. Each weapon type offers a unique playstyle and can be empowered by various Battle Arts to make them even stronger. We’ve put together a Dynasty Warrior: Origins Weapons Tier List to highlight which weapons are the best to use when playing.

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All Weapons Tier List for Dynasty Warriors: Origins
Screenshot via Koei Tecmo

All Weapons Tier List

While all ten weapon types in Dynasty Warriors: Origins can be used without issue, especially if you take the time to learn them, some weapons offer more strengths and versatility than others making them more ideal to learn to use. Whether you’re just starting your campaign or looking to change things up, we’ve created this Dynasty Warriors: Origins Weapons Tier List to rank all ten weapon types based on overall power:

S Tier

  • Halberd
    • The Halberd is overall the best weapon in Dynasty Warriors: Origins at the moment, offering unparalleled damage, an insane amount of mobility, and just being an absolute blast to play with its incredibly fast and fluid combat. It’s the hardest-hitting weapon in the game while also having extended range and Battle Arts to quickly clear the battlefield. Unfortunately, you have to complete the story campaign to unlock the Halberd, but once you do, it’s hard to use anything else.
  • Lance
    • Another solid weapon type in Dynasty Warriors: Origins is the Lance, offering both offensive and defensive strengths to the player with a powerful counterattack. All you have to do is charge a Heavy Attack and you will block incoming attacks and follow-up with an AoE cleave that knocks enemies into the air. Once you get that dynamic down, the Lance becomes one of the strongest weapons in the game before unlocking the Halberd.
  • Twin Pikes
    • Before unlocking the Halberd, the Twin Pikes offer the highest damage of any weapon type in Dynasty Warriors: Origins. With the Battle Roar Battle Art, you can enhance your damage even further, making the Twin Pikes extremely effective at solo encounters. With a large combo list and a wide arsenal of Battle Arts, the Twin Pikes have a high ceiling that rewards players for taking the time to learn them.

A Tier

  • Crescent Blade
    • The AoE powerhouse, the Cresent Blade is a weapon you don’t unlock until later in the campaign of Dynasty Warriors: Origins which is why we have it in the A Tier instead of the S Tier. It’s very strong and has rather simplistic combos allowing you to “button mash” for the most part with it and be effective. However, it’s weaker in comparison overall to the Halberd while being a somewhat similar weapon which is why it’s not considered better.
  • Podao
    • A hybrid between a falchion and a great sword, the Podao is a heavy weapon that makes use of charged attacks for massive damage. With a diverse arsenal of Battle Arts, the Podao can be an easy-to-pickup but hard-to-master weapon type with a high ceiling. You must plan ahead using the Podao as your attacks are slow and hit like a truck. Learning to maneuver the long charge times of the attacks of the Podao is the toughest element, but once mastered, you can really deal some damage with the Podao.
  • Wheels
    • Essential Chakrams, the Wheels in Dynasty Warriors: Origins are a fun and unique weapon type and the only truly ranged weapon in the game. You throw your Wheels around, often in an AoE motion, dealing heavy burst damage before calling the Wheels back to you. They take some getting used to but offer a very unique playstyle that’s yet to be seen in the franchise.

B Tier

  • Gauntlets
    • If you’re looking to play Dynasty Warriors: Origins like a traditional Monk, you’re going to want to pick up a pair of Gauntlets. Utilizing fast hard-hitting attacks, the Gauntlets can be a deadly option if you can get used to their limited range. Managing stance changes with the Gauntlets can feel a bit clunky, but once you learn how to do so effectively, the Gauntlets start feeling a lot better.
  • Staff
    • The Staff—think like a Quarterstaff or Striking Staff—is another fast-attacking weapon with mobility Battle Arts and a variety of airborne attacks, making it a strong weapon for fighting officers and taking on enemies solo. Despite its fast attacks, the Staff is a bit weaker overall in terms of actual damage, which is why it’s lower on this tier list.
  • Sword
    • The first weapon you will come across in Dynasty Warriors: Origins is the Sword, an overall solid option. It’s rather straightforward to play and has a strong Battle Art that deals massive AoE damage around your character. But the combos with the Sword are quite long and arduous and don’t quite have the payoff that some other higher-ranked weapons on this list do.

C Tier

  • Spear
    • The Spear isn’t necessarily a bad option in Dynasty Warriors: Origins, especially if you’re just looking to spam attacks or are looking for a good starter weapon to ease yourself into the new combat system. It has a long range and an easy-to-use combo to knock enemies into the air. But the reason it’s not recommended is it offers no advantages over some other stronger options like the Halberd, Lance, and even Sword.

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Image of Steven Mills
Steven Mills
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Steven has been writing in some capacity for over a decade now. He has a passion for story focused RPG's like the Final Fantasy franchise and ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile. But really, he's willing to try anything.