Wanna hear a joke? Laserdiscs! Hah. I kill me. Seriously, though, maybe the best thing to come from the doomed technology was arguably the Dragon’s Lair interactive videogames (and porno flicks your parents couldn’t really hide). With arcades dead in most parts of the country, and Laserdisc players buried in a pit somewhere, what’s a retro gamer to do?
Destineer has the answer. The publisher has announced that it will be releasing The Dragon’s Lair Collection, a Wii compilation that features Dragon’s Lair, Dragon’s Lair 2: Time Warp, and Space Ace! all on one disc. The future of the past is now with current day technology!
The disc will feature all of the original gameplay modes, remastered animation, standard and widescreen versions, and a “moves guide” for beginners. Don’t want to play? Don’t! Destineer is also including a “Watch Mode,” which will let you just sit back and enjoy the show.
The game’s out this fall, and it’s only $29.99.
Published: Jul 30, 2010 08:00 pm