Dragons Dogma 2 best starter vocation and tier list

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Best Starter Vocation

Not all starter vocations are equal

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has one more starter vocation than the original game, which is enough to make you wonder which is the best choice. While all four starter vocations certainly have their strengths and weaknesses, overall there definitely are some better than others for starting out. Here is the best Dragon’s Dogma 2 starter vocation and which you should favor when choosing for your Arisen.

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Dragon's Dogma 2 Best Starter Vocation
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Best Starter Vocation

The best starter vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is the Fighter. The Fighter gives you some survivability the other vocations are lacking while also giving you the ability to output some pretty lethal damage in the right situation. The Fighter also unlocks multiple passive skills that are useful for all vocations, making it an all-around great choice for a starter vocation.

All four starter vocations are viable, but if I had to pick one I’d recommend not choosing as a starter vocation for your Arisen it would be Thief. Like the Fighter, the Thief vocation requires you to get up close and personal with the enemies you are fighting. However, unlike the Fighter, the Thief is incredibly squishy and can die in literally one hit to a lot of enemies. The damage output of Thief is high, but all it takes is one wrong move and you’re dead and having to start the encounter over.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Starter Vocation Tier List

It doesn’t make a ton of sense to break down the starter vocations into tiers, since all four are viable. Instead, I have ranked all four starter vocations from 1-4 based on which ones I think are the best overall and why. Here is our Dragon’s Dogma 2 Starter Vocation tier list:

  1. Fighter – The Fighter is a solid all-around choice, bringing survivability and damage. Furthermore, some passive skills unlocked by the Fighter are extremely useful for all vocations.
  2. Archer – The Archer vocation is squishy, but has the ability to stay at range enough where it doesn’t matter. Just make sure to utilize Pawns that will help pull the aggro of your enemies, and be ready to dodge out of the way if an enemy does come charging in your direction.
  3. Mage – An absolute damage powerhouse with a wide arsenal of abilities to deal with every situation. Can be a bit tricky in the survivability department, but later Mage vocation skills improve this for the most part.
  4. Thief – While not necessarily a bad option, the Thief requires a unique skillset to make the most of this vocation. I’d recommend trying out the Thief vocation once you have a better overall feel of Dragon’s Dogma 2.

That is why the Fighter is the best starter vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2, and why you can’t go wrong starting as a Fighter for your Arisen.

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Image of Steven Mills
Steven Mills
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Steven has been writing in some capacity for over a decade now. He has a passion for story focused RPG's like the Final Fantasy franchise and ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile. But really, he's willing to try anything.