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He-who-bangs-the-drums, NukaCola, comes out strong with his latest VGdrum cover. His target this week? Star Fox on the Super Nintendo, a.k.a. the game with the geometry and shapes and animal fighter pilots, so adorable! They spoke the cutest gibberish, but then the N64 remake arrived and gave us all that Oscar-worthy dialog. They haven’t shut up since.
I don’t think the original Star Fox ever quite caught my eye. It’s all featureless shapes, but some folks swear by it and say it’s better than Star Fox 64. It’s almost like a 3D-modeled Atari 2600 game or something. Maybe I’m being too rough. Am I being too rough? At least the soundtrack kicked ass.
VGdrum: Star Fox [Pixelitis]
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Published: Jan 21, 2012 10:30 am