Did you know you could see all four Divine Beasts from the top of Link’s Zelda: Breath of the Wild house? I didn’t!

That had to be intentional

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“Did you know?”

The amount of Zelda: Breath of the Wild posts I could start with that phrase…and in some cases, I have! Four years on, and we’re still discovering stuff together as a community. Oh no, not another Breath of the Wild post! I promise you, you probably didn’t know about this one. A few of you probably did, and you’re welcome to comment about it.

So ajsayshello shared this neat discovery on Reddit, and they pitched it with such a good title too: “Cool detail I just ran across.” Isn’t that how all of these Breath of the Wild revelations start? Well, it just so happens that you can perfectly view all four Divine Beasts on the highest point of Link’s abode in Hateno Village (the same one that has an interesting and familiar past): the chimney.

It’s a small detail, but a really cool thing I had never seen before, or noticed. And I’ve climbed to the top of the chimney! This has to be deliberate, as it was Link’s destiny all along to help cure them and get Hyrule back in line.

It perfectly encapsulates why I’m still writing about Breath of the Wild all these years later. These community discoveries legitimately blow my mind and enticing me back into its world.

You can see all 4 divine beasts from the top of the chimney on Link’s house [Reddit]

Cool detail I just ran across. You can see all 4 divine beasts from the top of the chimney on Link’s house. from r/Breath_of_the_Wild

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Chris Carter
Managing Editor/Reviews Director
Managing Editor - Chris has been enjoying Destructoid avidly since 2008. He finally decided to take the next step in January of 2009 blogging on the site. Now, he's staff!