THQ isn’t a company that likes to pressure its developers, apparently. Tomonobu Itagaki’s first project since leaving Tecmo, Devil’s Third, is due to release any time between now and 2013, with the publisher giving it a little under two years of wiggle room.
At last count the game was confirmed for a 2012 release, but THQ recently stated in a financial call that the game would be out before the start of the company’s 2014 financial year, which would be March 31 of 2013 for us normal people.
THQ has been avoiding solid release dates a lot lately, preferring to focus on a finished game rather than put out a deadline and rush to meet it. I respect that quite a lot, although one wonders exactly what Itagaki’s been doing with his time, aside from sitting back in chairs, trying to look cool.
Itagaki’s Devil’s Third may not arrive until 2013 [CVG]
Published: Aug 10, 2010 08:40 am