Destructoid’s games of the week for 10/07/07: I’m sick edition!

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I’m sick.

Short of reconnecting with that ex of mine who was into Wicca, I’ve tried everything in my knowledge and nothing seems to be fixing my internals. My head hurts, my sinuses hurt, I think I’ve evolved extra organs specifically so that they could hurt too and my room is a mess.

Sure, it has nothing to do with my current struggle with the Omega Flu, but I’m beginning to think the debris in my room hides plague-bearing rats; and honestly, that probably isn’t helping things.

In case I develop black sores or start vomitting blood in the next few hours I though I’d complete this Games of the Week thing early. At least this way, when I’m being carted away by a half-blind old man along with the feculent corpses of my long-dead neighbors you’ll all have something to remember me by.

Oh, and if you’d be so kind as to burn my remains once you’re done rifling through my pockets, those of you not yet stricken will appreciate the gesture.




I played Teh Haloes.  I don’t know what I was expecting, but … well, it’s a fun game, I’m not going to say anything we haven’t already said in 175 comments on Aaron’s epic review of the game, which I agreed with.  I guess I’ll save my next-gen FPS erection for another day.  Otherwise I played a bunch of fun quirky games over at Hudson Japan which I’ll be talking about this week in my posts. DecaSporta was cool and another was Otada Master, a strange little RPG that makes you create sounds in order to summon Pokémon-style monsters.  Good times.  I need to learn Japanese, dammit.

Nick Chester:
I finally unwrapped my copy of The Red Star for the PlayStation 2 yesterday, and I played for awhile with our very own Art Director, Hush Gush. Linde was right — that is a great game. I also “played” quite a bit of Ubisoft’s Jam Sessions — I’m thinking about going to some open mic nights with this thing.

Dick McVengeance:
I’ve been blasting myself through Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol and Soul Nomad and the World Eaters, as you all well know. They’ve both been supremely enjoyable games, and some of the first in a while that I’m actually going to finish.

Hamsa “CTZ” Aziz:
I’ve still been playing Halo 3 with random community members. I downloaded Bomberman Live but have yet to play it yet. It’s just sitting there, crying for me to play it. I also played some more Dementium: The Ward Friday night.

For me it’s been Phantom Hourglass by day, Ikaruga by night, with a little Puzzle Fighter on the side. I managed to finally beat Ikaruga and soon afterward discovered that upon telling someone that, they either don’t believe you or they get mad at you for some unexplained reason. Then last night I played some Red Star with Nick, who apparently still can’t spell my old screen name correctly. I’m also going to agree with Aaron on this being an awesome game. I’m glad that NIc Kchester had me over to play it with niCKCh Ester. Thank you, Nickchester.

David Houghton:
It’s been Half-Life 2 again for me this week, and I’ve been greatly enjoying ordering my glorious Antlion hordes around with the dictatorial bark of any historically successful general you care to mention. It does get rather upsetting when one of my troopers goes down in battle though, almost as if one of my own children has died in front of me, but I don’t mourn the ones who walk straight into laser trip-mines. Those ones are just stupid.

Other than that, the big news is that I’ve finally got my gaming PC online, so I’ve started playing Quake 3 Arena properly and discovered that I’m actually comparatively quite a bit better than I thought I was going to be. I’ve even pwned a noob or two, as I believe the kids say these days. Really though, how can a game so old and that I’ve played to death over the years still be so totally fresh and exciting every time I fire it up? Carmack, you are indeed a good man.

Leigh Alexander:
I’m plowing through the twenty-some games entered in this year’s Interactive Fiction competition, which I find totally rad, and liking the few I’ve checked out so far. SOMEONE REALLY AWESOME loaned me his copy of Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow for the DS, and I’m playing it pretty constantly. Still not had enough Rune Factory, and I eked my way through a little bit of both versions of MySims, too.


Colette Bennett:

I’m playing Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass this week to get geared up for our RetroForce Go! Zelda edition this Sunday. Every time I throw my boomerang, I giggle with a little bit of delight. Also, I’ve spent some time in the Jericho demo and trying to finish up Eternal Sonata.

Jim Sterling:
While all the cool kids have been on the Halo express, I’ve been rocking it (not quite) old school with some Gears of War (add Jimmles if you want to taste my chainsaw). As well as that, I’ve been playing through Cave Story in dribs and drabs and finding some time to shout and scream at the Sledding level of Marble Blast Ultra. Fun times in the Sterling Kingdom.

Dale North:
Jeanne D’Arc is a great PSP game, and I can’t break away. It has accompanied me on my travels this week.

Aaron Linde:
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions and Project Gotham Racing 4 for upcoming reviews. I think my romance with Halo 3 has reached its end — not enough time. Arg!

It’s been mostly Halo 3 and Team Fortress 2 this week. Both games are so much fun that I haven’t wanted to play anything else.

I am still addicted to Picross DS but I completed Halo 3 and didn’t like the ending. And I am also spending some of my weekend wondering why peope only play with swords. Also, why does it take more than two hits with a sword to kill someone with the Samurai armor? There was no overshield in the level.

I never need an excuse to play Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels again, but this week’s VC release whipped me into a mania and I played through it in the three different formats I own it in (truly disgusting, I admit). Games don’t get much better than this. Unfashionably late as always, I also began BioShock and Bully this week. Did everyone else immediately try to sneak in the girl’s dorm with firecrackers, wearing only their underwear? Because that seemed like the most logical thing to do.

Tristero isn’t the only one who’s late to the BioShock party, I too have begun playing what I can only fathom as the greatest game to come out this year. That is, until I picked up Phantom Hourglass. Seriously, this last week has been one of epic gaming in Dyson’s little world. I’ve spent every waking non-work moment obsessed with these two titles and all I can say is: goddamn it’s good to be a gamer.

Oh, and screw Halo 3.

This week has pretty much been nothing but Halo 3 for me.

Ron Workman:
yeah yeah, halo. i know. bomberman too, then some halo. according to legend i played guitar hero but there is no video nor photos of it


Now … you … *expire* 

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Image of Earnest Cavalli
Earnest Cavalli
I'm Nex. I used to work here but my love of cash led me to take a gig with Wired. I still keep an eye on the 'toid, but to see what I'm really up to, you should either hit up my Vox or go have a look at the Wired media empire.