Promoted from our Community Blogs!
[Dtoid community blogger AboveUp posted a fun new MS Paint project for the community. You should join! –Mr Andy Dixon]
Drawing is fun. Especially if you’re not very good at it. Personally, I’m decent at drawing at best; the moment it becomes more involved than just scribbling something is the instant it becomes too much to handle for me.
This doesn’t mean I don’t have any respect for people who know how big everything is supposed to be in relation to everything else, or that can actually draws hands. People who can do that are awesome! You know who else is awesome? Destructoid, because I asked them to draw their favorite game’s box art in MS Paint, especially encouraging them if they have no skill!
And they can’t! I mean, they can! And they did! To spice things up a bit, I told them to remove the game’s title from the boxes, so that people would have to guess what game everyone drew.
Note: If you’re sad you got left out, there will be a second round of drawings two weeks from now. The first round was mostly forum dwellers invited through PMs. Round two will be open to everyone. If you want in, just PM me a link to your drawing here or on the forums before Sunday the 16th of this month and you’re in! Do tell me what game you drew though, because most of the time I probably won’t be able to tell what game it is. [Because you all suck. –Andy]
On to the drawings!
Luna Sy
Last Scion of the House of Lions
King Sushi
AboveUp (last AND least!)
Thank you to everyone who sent in their drawings! And good luck to everyone who wants to join in for round 2!
Published: Feb 8, 2014 10:00 am