Destructoid: Mike Haggar, Kinectflix, and Phonestation

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Good heavens, true believer. It’s Friday. You know what that means, don’t you? That’s right. It’s time for another episode of The Destructoid Show that’s guaranteed to make you feel all tingly in your bathing-suit area. (Well, maybe not guaranteed, but it’s a slight possibility.)

Today I talked about Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. More specifically, about how Jean Grey sucks and Mike Haggar rules, and how Nick Chester is cruel and blackhearted for not letting us come over and play his preview build of the game.

After that, Tara reported on a big pile of news from CES. This includes:

Then Tara talked about the pictures/specs of that Playstation Phone that surfaced. You know, like, a week after those photos of the 3DS surfaced. Pretty sneaky, Sony, but it woulda made more sense to just announce the damn thing at CES.

Finally, we read off our YouTube and Destructoid user comments of the week. Was it one of yours? Did we make fun of you? Do we talk about Fleshlights? Find the answer to these important questions and more in this episode. Like they said in Mortal Kombat 3 for no absolutely no reason, “There is no knowledge that is not power.”

Spoiler Alert: I wore a very dapper little vest and tie combo today.

Also contest! As we said on the show today, we’re giving away five copies of Tron: Evolution for the PSP plus two Super Villain Studios shirts, a total value of $66 for each prize pack. Just go on Twitter and Tweet the following: “Follow @SVSGames to win #tronevolution for the PSP from the #destructoidshow!” It’s that easy!

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