Drifter flipping a coin in Destiny 2.
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Destiny 2’s Past is Prologue event offers an exclusive Shader and more for a limited time

Rewards this easy to earn shouldn't be missed.

Just like the Riven’s Wishes event from Season of the Wish, Destiny 2 is currently running a limited-time event with some notable rewards on offer. The Past is Prologue event will take players back to old familiar haunts across the system as they do what they can to kindle the will-they, won’t-they energy between Eris Morn and The Drifter. Thankfully, there are also plenty of prizes on the table for helping the two out, including the return of a coveted Shader from the original Destiny.

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The Past is Prologue event is a lot like the Riven’s Wishes event from last year. Guardians are given relatively basic tasks, like participating in Gambit matches or slaying Hive on the Moon, that reward Bento Tokens upon completion. Each of these Tokens can be exchanged for powerful rewards, and that returning Shader is a complimentary gift after players complete five tasks.

How to start the Past is Prologue event

Destiny 2's Past is Prologue event quests.
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The Past is Prologue event is available to all players, even those enjoying Destiny 2 on a strictly free-to-play basis. To kick things off, players will need to journey to The Tower and pay a visit to that snarky Gambit vendor, The Drifter. Ol’ Drifter now has a new tab to interact with, labeled Limited-Time Event. In there, players will find four event Quests and one master Quest tracking progress toward the Shader reward.

Once players have each Quests, they should immediately complete the first step, as it simply requires discussing the Quest and Eris Morn with The Drifter. Guardians can tackle the tasks in any order they see fit, but if players plan accordingly, they can knock multiple objectives out simultaneously. 

As players complete Past is Prologue Quests, they’ll be rewarded with Bento Tokens. It seems that some Quests can reward more Bento Tokens than others, depending on the complexity of the task. These Bento Tokens can be exchanged with Eris Morn for desirable rewards on the Moon.

Past is Prologue rewards

Destiny 2 rewards for the Past is Prologue event.
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Resources and Mementos

Ascendant Alloy (2)None1 Bento Token
Ascendant Shard (2)None1 Bento Token
Exotic CipherNone1 Bento Token
Spoils of Conquest (25)Players may only purchase this three times max1 Bento Token
Gambit MementoNone1 Bento Token
Vanguard MementoNone1 Bento Token
Iron Banner MementoNone1 Bento Token
Festival of the Lost MementoNone1 Bento Token
Dawning MementoNone1 Bento Token
Guardian Games MementoNone1 Bento Token
Solstice MementoNone1 Bento Token


Weapon namePerksCost
Cloudstrike (Exotic)Fluted Barrel, Alloy Magazine, Stormbringer, Hand-Laid Stock, Mortal Polarity3 Bento Tokens
Cataphract GL3 (Adept)Linear Compensator, Alloy Casings, Envious Assassin, Bait and Switch, Velocity Masterwork1 Bento Token
Igneous Hammer (Adept)Flared Magwell, Fluted Barrel, Fragile Focus, Precision Instrument, Range Masterwork1 Bento Token
Horror’s Least (Adept)Arrowhead Brake, Accurized Rounds, Perpetual Motion, Kill Clip, Stability Masterwork1 Bento Token
RiptideArrowhead Brake, Enhanced Battery, Compulsive Reloader, Chill Clip, Charge Time Masterwork1 Bento Token

Artifice Armor

Armor nameStat distributionCost
Warlock’s Ossuary Cover (Artifice)11 Mobility, 12 Resilience, 10 Recovery, 11 Discipline, 12 Intellect, 10 Strength2 Bento Tokens
Warlock’s Ossuary Robes (Artifice)2 Mobility, 15 Resilience, 14 Recovery, 10 Discipline, 10 Intellect, 11 Strength2 Bento Tokens
Warlock’s Ossuary Gloves (Artifice)7 Mobility, 18 Resilience, 7 Recovery, 12 Discipline, 15 Intellect, 6 Strength2 Bento Tokens
Warlock’s Ossuary Boots (Artifice)10 Mobility, 10 Resilience, 12 Recovery, 6 Discipline, 7 Intellect, 18 Strength2 Bento Tokens
Warlock’s Ossuary Bond (Artifice)None2 Bento Tokens
Titan’s Biosphere Explorer Helm (Artifice)17 Mobility, 2 Resilience, 14 Recovery, 14 Discipline, 15 Intellect, 2 Strength2 Bento Tokens
Titan’s Biosphere Explorer Plate (Artifice)2 Mobility, 15 Resilience, 16 Recovery, 2 Discipline, 19 Intellect, 12 Strength2 Bento Tokens
Titan’s Biosphere Explorer Gauntlets (Artifice)11 Mobility, 20 Resilience, 2 Recovery, 16 Discipline, 12 Intellect, 6 Strength2 Bento Tokens
Titan’s Biosphere Explorer Greaves (Artifice)20 Mobility, 6 Resilience, 6 Recovery, 18 Discipline, 2 Intellect, 12 Strength2 Bento Tokens
Titan’s Biosphere Explorer Mark (Artifice)None2 Bento Tokens
Hunter’s Hinterland Cowl (Artifice)25 Mobility, 6 Resilience, 2 Recovery, 7 Discipline, 18 Intellect, 6 Strength2 Bento Tokens
Hunter’s Hinterland Vest (Artifice)10 Mobility, 2 Resilience, 20 Recovery, 6 Discipline, 18 Intellect, 6 Strength2 Bento Tokens
Hunter’s Hinterland Grips (Artifice)14 Mobility, 10 Resilience, 6 Recovery, 28 Discipline, 2 Intellect, 2 Strength2 Bento Tokens
Hunter’s Hinterland Strides (Artifice)14 Mobility, 15 Resilience, 2 Recovery, 10 Discipline, 2 Intellect, 19 Strength2 Bento Tokens
Hunter’s Hinterland Cloak (Artifice)None2 Bento Tokens

What’s worth getting from the Past is Prologue event?

Destiny 2's Cataphract GL3 grenade launcher.
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Much like The Drifter, Eris Morn has a Limited-Time Event tab for Past is Prologue. This menu is where Guardians can exchange their earned Bento Tokens for the fabulous prizes on offer. While the usual event offerings of Mementos or Exotic currencies like Ascendant Shards and Exotic Ciphers are available, the real prize for Past is Prologue are the Adept weapons and Artifice armor.

While the Artifice armor outright costs double compared to everything else, it may be the easiest way for a player to guarantee themselves a piece of the coveted gear with some decent stats. That said, only some of the Artifice armor up for offer has a roll worth nabbing, with many appearing with mediocre (at best) stat scores or distribution. That said, the gloves, gauntlets, and grips actually have decent distribution, and Class Items won’t ever drop with stats anyway. As for the Adept weapons, players should get any they don’t already have, so long as they’ll actually use them. The Cataphract GL3 with the PvE god roll won’t be helping any Crucible mains, and the same goes for Igneous Hammer for those that don’t engage with PvP.

After players spend five Bento Tokens with Eris, they’ll complete the Packed Lunch Quest and earn the returning Chatterwhite Shader. That said, the fun doesn’t stop after the first five Bento Tokens, as the studio previously detailed that players would earn a total of eight Bento Tokens. It appears that more Quests rewarding the Tokens will make their way to the game, and there is a note on the Packed Lunch Quest that says, “Additional ‘Past is Prologue’ Quests will unlock next week, or can be obtained from Xur this weekend.” Either way, Guardians will have a few more rewards coming their way, so long as they keep up with the event.

When does Past is Prologue end?

Destiny 2's Eris Morn on the Moon.
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The Past is Prologue event is a limited-time and optional endeavor Guardians can undertake, but the potential rewards are great. Bungie has noted that the event will only run for two weeks and implied that players won’t be able to spend their Bento Tokens after the start of Episode: Heresy. In a This Week in Destiny communication, Bungie explained, “The Past Is Prologue event will only be around for two weeks. So don’t waste any time and make sure you spend all your Bento Tokens before the start of Heresy.”

So, if Guardians are in desperate need of an Artifice Class Item or want to snag themself a fancy Adept Igneous Hammer, they absolutely shouldn’t miss out on the Past is Prologue event. While Adept weapons are always hard to pass up, if players already have the most tantalizing rewards, at least there are still some free Mementos and Exotic currencies up for grabs.

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Image of Jonathan LoChiatto
Jonathan LoChiatto
Jonathan LoChiatto is a writer, editor, and creator with content across Destructoid, GameRant, SVG, and more. Jonathan is the creator of The Dorkweb podcast and continues to dabble in entertainment. When he's not streaming Destiny 2, he can be found digging into RPGs, strategy games, and shooters.