If Destiny 2 players want to make the most out of their new Slayer’s Fang Exotic shotgun, they’ll need to revisit Kell’s Fall. The Exotic mission evolves with subsequent playthroughs, not showing its true nature until after Guardians’ second completion.
Alongside the Exotic Catalyst Quest objectives hidden throughout Kell’s Fall, players can also find three Intrinsic Trait upgrades. But it will take more than curiosity to find the upgrades; players will have to master the Scorgan.
Many of the Exotic weapons obtained through Exotic missions are enhanceable by completing certain tasks in subsequent runs of the mission. In the case of Kell’s Fall, those are the Exotic Catalysts and the Intrinsic Trait upgrades. Each upgrade generally enhances the weapon, making it even more dangerous. The final upgrade even provides a nice boost to some of the shotgun’s stats. All Guardians must do is masterfully navigate through Kell’s Fall, stopping to investigate all the ethereal nooks and crannies.
When are the Intrinsic Upgrades available?

To acquire each Intrinsic upgrade, players will need to open a secret passage within the Kell’s Fall Exotic mission. Each of the three hidden paths is accessed via the organ towards the start of the mission. Shortly after players have their first fight against The Trickster, they’ll enter a building with a large pipe organ at the back of the room. This organ is, in fact, playable, and specific hidden melodies open most of the secrets in the Exotic mission.
By standing on the plate in front of the organ, players can shoot the switches connected to the instrument. Each switch emits a note, and Kell’s Fall reacts when specific arrangements are played together. To keep things simple, the community has numbered the switches up through 13, read from left to right. An essential piece of information to note is that all organ switches are not active until players have completed the first two runs of the Exotic mission through Episode: Revenant‘s story.
That said, players can open some of these hidden chambers even during their first run if they are persistent enough. However, the upgrades themselves won’t appear until after Slayer’s Fang has already been earned. Similarly, while all the switches won’t be available until a third run, players should be able to open the optional Intrinsic upgrade paths available after a single Kell’s Fall completion through the Episode. Additionally, Guardians can play all three melodies to open every Intrinsic upgrade path in a single run.
Slayer’s Fang Intrinsic Upgrade locations

Once players have earned the Slayer’s Fange Exotic shotgun, they should be able to reenter Kell’s Fall (provided the Fireteam’s host has made it far enough in the Episode: Revenant story) and access the hidden Intrinsic upgrade pathways. As each is unlocked by playing a correct melody at the organ, it’s imperative that Guardians don’t forget to stop by the instrument and confirm entries are correct via the text that appears on the screen.
Technically, Slayer’s Fang starts with the first version of its Intrinsic Trait, Nightsworn Sight. So, as players unlock these upgrades, it will change to Nightsworn Sight II, III, and IV.
Nightsworn Sight II
The first Intrinsic upgrade for Slayer’s Fang can be found right off to the side of the Scorgan. Normally, heading further into the Exotic mission, Guardians head up the organ’s left-side path. On the right, another path leads to what appears to be an empty room. However, that’s not the case after playing a particular tune.
If Guardians stand on the plate in front of the organ and shoot switches in the order of 2, 11, 1, 10, 7, 6, they should see the text, “Ancient gears grinding deep within the fortress.” The message confirms the melody was played correctly and opens another door in the room to the right of the organ.
Inside, players will find a Tonic bottle that can be collected. Guardians will be rewarded Nightsworn Sight II on top of a few other rewards after picking it up.
Nightsworn Sight III
The next Intrinsic upgrade for Slayer’s Fang is in the Mirror Gallery, specifically once Guardians enter the reversed mirror dimension. Of course, players will need to have already opened the pathway via the organ earlier to proceed.
Standing on the plate in front of the organ, players can shoot the switches in the order of 1, 4, 11, 1, 4, 10. If done correctly, the Fireteam will see a message that says, “Barrier giving way.”

Back inside the Prismatic-ified Mirror Gallery, the locale players are hunting for is just before the large room with the gnarled tree growing through it. Guardians will find themselves in a long hallway with a navy blue door at its end. Normally, this door is shut tight, but the melody opens it up. Inside is a room with a knife on the floor. The knife can be collected to receive Nightsworn Sight III and some additional rewards.
Nightsworn Sight IV
The final Intrinsic upgrade in Kell’s Fall is just before players head into the encounter with The Mindbender. Players will have just come out of the platforming section and find themselves in the side room off of a larger chamber. If players look behind to see where they came from, they’ll notice three unlit torches stacked atop one another and mounted on the wall.
Each of these torches corresponds with a lit brazier in the area. There’s one in the side room with the torches, in a nook behind some chains. The other two are in the main chamber with the mirror portal to The Mindbender. Once all three braziers are doused, the torches will light instead, and a hidden passage will reveal itself. However, that passage is a dead end without the organ.
Back at the start of the mission, at the organ, players can stand on the plate to enter the sequence 1, 8, 1, 6. If Guardians do this correctly, they’ll see text that says, “Air stirring in a forgotten passage.” This opens another door inside the secret dead-end room by The Mindbender encounter, leading to an urn. Players can collect the urn to unlock Nightsworn Sight IV and earn additional rewards.
What does Nightsworn Sight do?

All Exotic weapons have an Intrinsic Trait that, along with other Perks and features, gives the gun its unique feel. On its own, Nightsworn Sight is a buff that allows kills to grant Truesight, increases reloaded speed and precision damage and ensures the tracking submunitions add the Weaken effect to targets.
As if seeing through walls or Weakening enemies with ricochet damage wasn’t impressive enough, each time players upgrade the Intrinsic Trait, they also upgrade its effects. Nightsworn Sight II and Nightsworn Sight III increase the precision damage and reload speed bonus the Trait provides, and Nightsworn Sight IV further improves effects on top of some flat stat boosts. With the final Intrinsic Upgrade, Nightsworn Sight IV adds 10 Range, 10 Stability, and 10 Handling to the weapon.
Of course, Guardians can only take advantage of these upgrades after they’ve already gone out and earned them. Additionally, finding these Intrinsic Upgrades isn’t enough on its own, players must remember to head back to the Enclave to Reshape the changes into the weapon.
Published: Jan 17, 2025 10:00 am