Desert Bus for Hope charity event starts this week

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Every year, comedy group LoadingReadyRun puts on its Desert Bus for Hope charity event. When I say that it’s easily the most screwed up, painfully dull gaming marathon out there, I mean that as a compliment; you cannot look away. Last year, a whopping $140,000 was raised for Child’s Play over a five-day session.

This year, the event will have “auctions, call-ins, pranks, songs, and more” all while members of the group take 24-hour shifts playing Desert Bus. It’s worth pointing out that The Escapist has also teamed up with them. The live broadcast starts this Friday at 9:00 PM PST, so you’ll want to clear your schedule right up.

I wouldn’t want you to miss out on watching hours upon hours of someone driving a virtual bus.

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Image of Jordan Devore
Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.