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In this latest developer diary for Namco Bandai’s upcoming Dead to Rights: Retribution, Volatile Games shows off the game’s combat.
According to the game’s combat designer, the main feature of the game is to allow players to have the choice to use hand-to-hand combat, ranged weapons, or the dog (Shadow) to take out enemies. It’s totally up tol you. But here’s the thing — that dog looks like he’s no joke. We’re unclear if the game features a “pooper scooper” mechanic where you have to clean up after Shadow, but it looks like it might be worth it.
Dead to Rights: Retribution is scheduled to hit Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 early next year. Namco Bandai, please considering giving away patches of dog fur as a pre-order bonus.
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Published: Oct 23, 2009 02:00 pm