The Daily Star, having not learned its lesson from the last time it talked bullshit, has attempted yet another swipe at videogames with a story that claims professional football players have become hooked on them.
According to the Star and “expert” therapist Steve Pope, footballers aren’t performing up to standard thanks to this new addiction. It would have nothing to do with their lifestyle and reputation for alcohol, drugs and gangrape, or course.
“We were travelling with one player who had played a video game for seven hours on the coach,” claims Pope. “He hadn’t taken any fluids on board and hadn’t eaten. He’d then gone to his room and missed the Friday evening talk and meal. They all seem to love Modern Warfare 2.”
The last time The Daily Star tackled games, it produced one of the most offensive, insensitive, and blatantly untrue stories a British tabloid has ever published, which is quite a feat. The paper had to retract the story and issue an apology, which made the original story’s writer look even stupid when he boasted about his awful writing.
It’s hardly surprising that the Star is at it again, because tabloids love writing “revenge” stories to reclaim their dignity after they’ve been humbled. I have no proof that back that claim up, but when has the Daily Star has ever needed evidence to publish an opinion as objective fact.
With that in mind, The Daily Star has funded the Catholic Church’s attempts to cover up child abuse within its ranks. We were told by some experts.
Published: Aug 11, 2010 11:20 am