Time for Ubi to take a stab at it
You want my bold E3 prediction? It’s that there aren’t nearly as many moments during Ubisoft’s E3 press conference where I’m typing away furiously when I hear one of my coworkers say “Wait, what the fuck are they doing? Jeez, this is embarrassing.” Fingers crossed.
Ubisoft just feels like it’s going to have a different tone this year. I have no idea what I’m basing that on. Maybe this trailer is partially responsible for my mindset. Regardless, I have my money on this being the best Ubi presser in recent memory. (Please don’t take me to task in the comments; I’m surprisingly emotionally fragile.)
Anyway, on the agenda: Far Cry, Assassin’s Creed, Crew 2, South Park, probably Mario x Rabbids, and a new property. You know the routine by now. It starts in 30 minutes, at 1pm Pacific. Reactions and snark in the comments below. We’ll be breaking out all the news items as they happen.
Published: Jun 12, 2017 02:30 pm