The words “point and click adventure” always make me take notice of a game, add great art and a unique hook and I’m pretty much sold. So this trailer for Journey Down, a classic adventure game with a central African arts and crafts aesthetic and an original jazz reggae soundtrack, has me more than intrigued. In the first of four chapters, join Bwana and his chum Kito as they struggle to keep their gas station up and running while becoming embroiled in a tale of corruption, comedy and puzzles. I get a Grim Fandango vibe from the art direction and that can only be a good thing.
Chapter one is due this Spring for PC and Mac, with Android and iOS ports following later. If you can’t wait that long, the developer SkyGoblin has a free AGS version available on their website and it’s easily one of the best looking AGS games I’ve seen.
Published: Feb 22, 2012 01:00 am