Chiori is a 5-star Geo character in Genshin Impact whose damage scales with both ATK and DEF stats. Because DEF is important to Chiori, you will want to Ascend her to level 90 as soon as possible. Here are all of Chiori’s Ascension materials you’ll need to achieve that goal!
Character Ascension
Chiori uses the purple Ousia version of Artificed Spare Clockwork Components as her boss materials. The Icewind Suite duo can be found near the Opera Epiclese. Talk to Maillardet and be sure to choose the “Dirge of Coppelia” challenge each time you fight this boss.
You’ll need 46 Components in total, which will take an average of 18 boss runs or about 720 Resin at World Level 8.
Chiori requires Dendrobiums, the Inazuman local specialty. It can be found growing in old battlefields on Kannazuka and Yashiori Island. There are 55 Dendrobiums to be collected in the overworld.
You will need 168 Dendrobiums to fully Ascend Chiori. Local specialties respawn 48 hours after collecting, so if the ones in your world aren’t enough, you might want to politely ask a co-op host for theirs.
Spectral Husks
Spectral Husks drop from all Specter enemies, regardless of element. Specters are most commonly found around Watatsumi and Seirai Islands in Inazuma, but there are also a few in Sumeru.
To max out her character levels, Chiori requires 18 Spectral Husks, 30 Spectral Hearts, and 36 Spectral Nuclei. You will need more if you plan on leveling her Talents.
Prithiva Topaz
As a Geo character, Chiori uses golden Geo Prithiva Topazes in order to Ascend. Unfortunately, you can’t get these from her world boss, the Icewind Suite. If you don’t have enough on hand, you can convert other gems to Geo using Dust of Azoth.
Chiori will need 1 Sliver, 9 Fragments, 9 Chunks, and 6 Gemstones to fully Ascend.

Talent Levels
Light Books
Chiori’s Talents require Light books to level up. You can farm these from the Inazuma Talent domain on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
Chiori will require 9 brown books, 63 silver books, and 114 gold books to fully level her Talents. This is roughly 2,480 Resin, depending on how lucky you are with drops.
Spectral Husks
Specters can be found primarily on Watatsumi and Seirai Islands in Inazuma. All Specters drop the same class of materials, regardless of their element.
Chiori’s Talents will require 18 Spectral Husks, 66 Spectral Hearts, and 93 Spectral Nuclei to reach max level.
Lightless Silk String
Chiori’s weekly boss is the All-Devouring Narwhal, who drops Lightless Silk Strings. You can unlock this boss domain in the overworld by completing the Fontaine Archon Quests, but if you’re not quite there yet, you can still initiate the challenge through the Adventurer’s Handbook.
Chiori will need 18 Strings in total. This means around 8 weeks of farming, depending on your luck.
Published: Mar 7, 2024 02:41 pm