Harmonix will live stream some Christmas craziness for the Child’s Play charity today. From 5pm to 8pm Eastern they’ll host a holiday-themed stream to raise money for the kids.
This stream will feature interviews with Harmonix staff, and they’ll talk about Rock Band, Dance Central, VidRhythm, and more. I’m hearing that you should plan to hear reveals and other announcements for Rock Band and Dance Central. They’ll also be giving away lots of DLC codes as well as showing off some new social features for their games.
You should jump on the stream. And donate. It’s for a good cause! Plus, our old friend Nick says that they’ll all be wearing the ugliest holiday sweaters they could find.
If you want to see funny sh*t and get free stuff, head here at 5pm Eastern.
Published: Dec 19, 2011 12:30 pm