With Dead Rising 2‘s standalone, downloadable prologue Case Zero being the rousing success that it was, Capcom is looking to apply the model to its other franchises. Capcom US VP Christian Svensson elaborates in an interview with GamesIndustry.biz.
“It’s not something we’re going to be doing on every title, but it’s something we’re looking at on a title by title basis,” he explains. “Can we provide a compelling, self-contained pre-amble with persistence that links to a full product that helps people to upsell?”
“The learnings that come from this are that it’s something you have to plan from the beginning,” Svensson continues. “It’s not something you can do mid-development. It was hard enough even when we planned it from the beginning, just time-wise, the co-ordination of the Vancouver studio finalling practically three pieces of content at once — that’s hard.”
Dare I even ask which properties you’d like to see get this kind of a pre-retail release? You’re probably writing a comment right now. Personally, I’d like to see something ahead of Resident Evil 6.
Street Fighting Man [GamesIndustry.biz via 1UP]
Published: Mar 10, 2011 10:30 pm