Apparently the excitement of being old, fragile, and incontinent just isn’t enough for the senior citizens in Hamilton, Ontario. Lifecare Long Term Care Homes seems especially proud of itself with their senior-only tournament in progress this week. They dropped this flyer in one of our fine reader’s mailboxes hoping that he would join in on the fun.
The competition is for $1,000 dollars in prizes. The prizes are not specified, but one can imagine that there will be an exceptionally large amount of Vaseline, diapers, syringes, and applesauce involved. More importantly, the tournament will also teach seniors how to waggle their Wii remotes appropriately in rhythm with whatever game they are pretending to play.
If you’re old and don’t know how to swing around the Wii remote, feel free to hit these guys up. If you’re like me, you’re more interested in who is going to fall down and when. As if old age wasn’t brutal enough, now they may have to deal with the catastrophe of party games on the casual console that could.
[Thanks Zero “I should include my screen name in e-mails” Iscariot!]
Published: Oct 1, 2008 05:03 pm