Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, which we definitely previewed here, yep, it all checks out, will be available to purchase one day in advanced at Warfare, uh, I mean Walmart. Close, close.
Select stores will have tournaments and all the hullabaloo you’d expect for an early Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare release at Walmart. Jesus. I have never been in or even seen a Walmart and I am going to keep it that way.
Walmart is also now selling “certified pre-owned games,” muscling in on that Gamestop turf as more and more people presumably buy games digitally.
Oh, also, “[g]amers will have access to an in-game exclusive exoskeleton with the purchase of Mountain Dew or Diet Mountain Dew 24-packs and specially-marked Doritos products.” Please take a mallet and firmly tap knitting needles into my ears.
Published: Oct 28, 2014 11:30 am