Japanator have got conclusive proof that hardware modders are the cackling Dr. Frankenstein of the modern world.
A plucky bunch from Japan have taken advantage of the new Hobbit-size Pico-ITX motherboard in order to lube up a 1Ghz PC and stuff it headlong into an original Gameboy. While sadly lacking a high-res Super Mario Land, the little guy can happily run Windows XP and features an ethernet adaptor, VGA out, and two USB sockets. Coolest of all is the 4 gigabyte flash drive in the cartridge slot.
All in all it makes a pretty cool little pocket PC, and would be a brilliantly geeky way of storing games on the move. Now let’s all hold out for a second generation one with a built in screen.
And don’t forget to tune in next week as an enterprising group of Belgians cram Charles Babbage’s difference engine into a hamster cage and use it to run Wonder Boy.
[Thanks to John at Japanator for the details]
Published: May 9, 2007 05:12 pm