I’ve heard a lot of things about BioShock creator Ken Levine over the years. Some say he’s just a figurehead, that in reality he leaves all the design work to his interns while he spends his days shopping online for antique clocks. Others say he’s a relentless, tyrannical overlord, who’ll destroy an entire week’s worth of his team’s work just because he had a dream about talking llamas the night before. I still hear rumors about an all-llama, pre-alpha version of BioShock that’s floating out there somewhere.
I was lucky enough to meet Mr. Levine myself at PAX East, and all I can say is that if any of those rumors are true, I don’t care anymore. This guy is awesome. He’s one of the premier minds in game development today, and he’s organizing board game tournaments for his fans? Can you imagine Steven Spielberg or Madonna organizing board game tournaments? I didn’t think so.
I’m not even bitter anymore that Mr. Levine didn’t like the BioShock episode of Constructoid. That’s how solid of a dude he is.
Published: Mar 15, 2011 12:00 pm