[When we’re looking for blogs on a specific topic, we’ll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the “Bloggers Wanted Essay Response” tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. — JRo]
As you may have seen, last week EA decided to promote Mass Effect 3 by launching copies of the game into space by tying them to weather balloons. Some lucky gamers managed to recover the copies, even though one fell into a tree and the other into the middle of nowhere in the Arizona desert.
This isn’t the first time a game has had a crazy promotional campaign, and it certainly won’t be the last. This week, I want you to write about a promotional campaign, good or bad. Tell us why it was memorable and if it worked or not. For me, the one I most vividly remember was the horrible “Scratch and Sniff” magazine advertisements in Earthbound. In fact, I can still remember the exact smell. I’m not sure whose idea it was, but making a magazine page literally smell like a fart didn’t make me want to run out and buy the game.
To participate, just write a C Blog, title it “Promotions: [Your Blog’s Title]”, and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders!
Published: Feb 27, 2012 02:45 pm