[When we’re looking for blogs on a specific topic, we’ll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the “Bloggers Wanted Essay Response” tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. — JRo]
I wasn’t a fan of Final Fantasy XIII. At all. I’m hearing, though, that tomorrow’s release of Final Fantasy XIII-2 fixes a whole host of issues that the first game had, and that gave me an idea for this week’s topic.
I want you to pick a game and identify its problems. Then, explain to us how you would design a theoretical sequel to that game, fixing all of the problems you noted earlier. (It’s fine if the game you pick is already a sequel itself — if you want to write about Grand Theft Auto IV – 2, that’s cool.) It’s a pretty simple topic, but I suspect we’ll get a lot of great responses.
To participate, just write a C Blog, title it “Improvement: [Your Blog’s Title]”, and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders, and make sure you look for promoted blogs from last week’s topic, Location.
Published: Jan 30, 2012 02:30 pm