Hey, did you read Ben’s review of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift? It’s pretty awesome, much better than the review some bozo posted on Dtoid for the original game. Ragna is NOT a bounty hunter, OK? OMG, the fact that Ragna is NOT a bounty hunter is like THE WHOLE POINT OF THE GAME! You suck at LIFE! Everything you think is WRONG! I HATE YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU’LL EVER DO FOREVER.
One guy that I don’t hate forever is Toshimichi Mori, the producer behind the BlazBlue games. He’s deadset on keeping working in just two dimensions, and for that, I am grateful. In a recent interview with NGamer, he remarked “The reason why I’m fixed on 2D is after thoroughly thinking it through I end up back there. I love anime. So, I love 2D. Funny story, if Hayao Miyazaki’s anime was drawn in 3D, I don’t think I would like it.“
It’s not a surprise to hear that Mori-san is a Miyazaki fan, as at least one BlazBlue character shares more than a passing resemblance to some of Studio Ghibli’s finest. I wonder what he things of Ni No kuni, which basically looks like a “Miyazaki anime drawn in 3D”. I bet he thinks the polygon-based bits look a bit off, but would be too nice to say so.
Back to the point, I’m glad that Mori-san is sticking with 2D. Guilty Gear in 3D was pretty jank, and besides, it’s the 2D look that makes BlazBlue stand out so nicely amongst it’s peers in this current fighting game resurgence.
Would you play BlazBlue if it went 3D?
BlazBlue Producer Sticking To 2D– [4Gamer, via Siliconera]
Published: Aug 1, 2010 08:00 pm