An image of Separation Anxiety Puzzle solution in Black Ops 6
Image via Activision

Black Ops 6: Separation Anxiety mission and code guide

Code cracker

The Separation Anxiety mission in Call of Duty Black Ops 6‘s campaign can be a cause of real ‘anxiety’ for you if your riddle-solving skills are like mine.

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Thankfully, I did manage to complete this quest after much head-scratching, and to make things easier for you, here’s our guide. In a nutshell, you’ll have to decipher a three-digit code, but I am unsure if it’s random or the same for all. Yes, the campaign has some random puzzles that have different solutions for them. If you have already completed The Rook: Arrival mission and cracked the bedroom safe, you’ll know what to expect. The Separation Anxiety puzzle is a lot easier to complete.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Separation Anxiety mission code

Before you can solve the puzzle, you’ll have to watch the scene where Adler injects Jane with the Separation drug. Then, you’ll get in Jane’s shoes inside her head. Go to the run-down house and speak with Jane’s cild version.

The scene will again change, and you’ll be inside Jane’s room, but a different one. Open the door and play out the cutscene when Jane’s mom appears and asks you to hide. Get under the bed, but the scene will change again, teleporting you back to the broken-down room. Once you complete the mirror and play out the next cutscene, it will lead you to another scene where you pick up this note (pay attention to the riddle, and the locations mentioned here).

An image of Separation Anxiety Puzzle in Black Ops 6
Image via Activision
Riddle NameDescriptionHow to solve
Anxiety Desk‘Working hard, wanting more. Always seek the highest score.’ On the desk, you’ll find the scoresheets of three different tests. Pick the one with the highest score.
Anxiety Scouts‘Count them all and let’s begin. Trophies minus badges will get the win.’On looking carefully, you’ll find that there are six trophies and five badges. The second digit is the difference of the two counts.
Anxiety Tea Party‘They came for tea and friendly chat. Count the guests and double that.’There are four pieces of toys, and double of that is eight. This is your third digit.

The code you’ll want is 918 (assuming it’s not random and the same as mine). Go back to the bed and enter the code into the box. Doing so will get you a shard, which can be placed on the mirror. To continue the quest, open the door and help Jane’s mother.

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