Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Prestige challenges
Image via Activision

Black Ops 6: How to complete all Prestige challenges

Endless grind

With the launch of Warzone in Call of Duty Black Ops 6, we now know all about the Prestige challenges currently available across the different game modes.

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The Prestige system implemented this year can feel like a real grind at times, especially since it’s spread across three modes. We already know there will be ten Prestige levels to unlock, and completing all of them will earn you the title of Prestige Master. Let’s look at all the challenges you’ll need to complete along the way.

So far, this piece covers the first three Prestige levels and how you can unlock them inside the game. We will update this article as we get further information.

All Prestige 1 challenges in Black Ops 6

Zombies: Trade Tools

NameHow to complete
Bullet Ballet250 kills with Akimbo while Speed Cola is active.
Raining Death15 kills while reloading with LMG (25 times)
Flow State50 zombie kills in row without taking melee damage
TitanFelling10 Elite kills with shotguns
Endless Barrage20 Rapid zombie kills with Assault Rifles/SMGs (10 times)
Brained1000 Critical Kills with a Sniper/Marksman rifle
Trade Tools MasterComplete all Trade Tools challenges

Multiplayer: Combat Scenarios

NameHow to complete
On PointKill an enemy who shot you after diving
Squint TestMoonshot medal
Flowing LowFive Snaked medals
I Got it First10 First Blood medals (First kill in a match)
HollywoodAction Shot medal (kill an enemy who was behind you after diving/spinning around)
Banger25 Wall Bang medals (Kill with a bullet that went through a wall/surface)
Combat Scenarios MasterComplete all Combat Scenarios challenges

Warzone: Perk

NameHow to complete
ReboundKill an enemy who shot you after diving
DeadeyeMoonshot medal
BoomFive Snaked medals
Breakneck10 First Blood medals (First kill in a match)
Max LevelAction Shot medal (kill an enemy who was behind you after diving/spinning around)
Competitive Advantage25 Wall Bang medals (Kill with a bullet that went through a wall/surface)
Perks MasterComplete all Combat Scenarios challenges

All Prestige 2 challenges in Black Ops 6

Zombies: Quench Quest

NameHow to complete
Sugar HighAcquire 8 perks before Round 10
Deft HandKill 100 Zombies after reloading with Speed Cola
Surveyor15 Random Perk Power Ups
Look Out Below25 Zombie kills with PHD Flopped explosions
HaymakerOne Elite Zombie kill with Macchiato Punches
Gunslinger25 Critical kills in a row with Deadshot Daiquiri
Quench Quest MasterComplete all Quench Quest Master challenges

Multiplayer: Versatility

NameHow to complete
Dead Eye5 One Shot. One Kill medals
Up Close25 Point Blank medals with Shotgun
Brute ForceKill 10 enemies while defending an objective using a LMG with a Crossbar Underbarrel and Belt Fed Magazine Attachments equipped
ShredderGet 25 hipfire kills with an SMG with No Stock and Rapid Fire attachments
Efficient5 kills with an Assault Rifle with Extended Magazine.
Backup PlanKill with a Primary Weapon and Pistol in one life (10 times)
Versatility MasterComplete all Versality challenges

Warzone: Decoration

NameHow to complete
Gun SlingerFive One Shot One Kills medals
Off The WallOne Bankshot Medal
SlipperyEarn 10 Low Blow medals
PerforrateFive Wall Bang medals
Skilled OnFive Turned On medals
BombshellThree See What Sticks medals
Decoration MasterComplete all Decoration challenges

All Prestige 2 challenges in Black Ops 6

Zombies: Destruction

NameHow to complete
Stand Clear30 Zombie kills with a Scorestreak
Major Ordinance50 Zombie kills with Scorestreak in a single round
Explosive Surprise100 Zombies kills with Scorestreaks from Mystery Box
ApocalypseKill two Elites with the same Scorestreak
Thrill Addicted15 or more Zombie kills with Mutant Injection
Juggler10 Zombie with five different Scorestreaks
Destruction MasterComplete all Decoration challenges

Multiplayer: Anytime, Anywhere

NameHow to complete
Wipeout10 Wipeout Medals
Defense50 kills of enemies who are assaulting, defusing, or aiming at an objective
Ambitious25 Forward Progression medals
Hot LeadDestroy five scorestreaks with a weapon with FMJ attachment
EntrenchedFive kills without leaving the objective zone
Air ControlDestroy 25 Airborne scorestreaks
Anytime, Anywhere MasterComplete all Anytime, Anywhere challenges

Warzone: Tactical

NameHow to complete
Intel HungryActive five UAVs or counter UAVs in a single match
PreciseThree kills with Precision Airstrike
EntrenchedThree kills with Bunker Busters or Sentry Turrets
Aerial InfernoThree kills with Napalm Strikes
CratefulLoot 50 Legendary Crates while Supply UAV is active
Aerial BombardmentKill with an Artillery Strike
Tactical Advantage MasterComplete all Tactical challenges

Note that the names and calling cards for all Multiplayer and Zombies Prestige levels can be viewed in Black Ops 6. To do so, however, you’ll have to reach that Prestige level (to check out the unlock conditions).

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