BitLife Zodiac Scavenger Hunt answers
Image via Candywriter

BitLife: All Zodiac scavenger hunt answers

Let's find all 12 zodiac signs.

BitLife’s Zodiac scavenger hunt has arrived as its fourth major event outside weekly challenges. Between now and September 15, 2024, you’ll find 12 zodiac signs by completing various day-to-day activities. However, while some are simple, others are difficult to solve, even if you’re an experienced BitLife player.

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BitLife Zodiac scavenger hunt guide

BitLife’s Zodiac scavenger hunt has 12 objectives, ranging from pursuing various jobs to making money. While each has vague hints to help you, you’ll mostly rely on trial and error to find each answer. Below is a list of every zodiac sign and their respective task:

AquariusBecome a teacher.
AriesArgue with your parents.
CancerBecome a crab fisherman.
CapricornHave $100,000 in the bank.
GeminiHave twins.
LeoBecome famous.
LibraBecome a judge.
PiscesJoin an art club.
SagittariusTravel to another country.
ScorpioHave a threesome.
TaurusGet spa treatment.
VirgoMaster the violin.

Right away, you’ll spot a few you can finish in a few minutes. However, some of these are more challenging than they initially seem, so let’s talk about each zodiac and its requirements.


The first of the twelve zodiac signs, Aquarius, requires you to become a teacher during your character’s life. To do this, age up your character until they graduate secondary school before entering university and choosing an education degree. While this specific program isn’t required, it’ll make things easier.

BitLife Aquarius zodiac
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After graduating from university, look through your full-time job list until you spot the school teacher role. From here, applying and passing the interview will land you a teaching position, instantly completing Aquarius.


You’ll need to argue with one of your parents to find the Aries zodiac sign during the scavenger hunt. However, while this sounds simple at first, it’s almost entirely luck-based, as arguing is different from insulting. Fortunately, there are multiple ways you can do this.

BitLife Aries zodiac
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One option for arguing with your character’s parents is having a conversation with them until you disagree with each other. You’ll likely have to talk to them multiple times, especially if you have high relationship stats and tend to agree on most things. Nonetheless, after a few conversations, the agreement bar will turn red, prompting an argument pop-up.

Another option for arguing with your parents is to become famous and do adult photo shoots. They’ll often disagree with the decision and ask you not to do it again, allowing you to argue with them and finish the objective.

Lastly, if your character is in school, you can be mischievous by getting in fights with classmates or messing with the teacher before being sent to the principal’s office. Your parents will get upset, allowing you to argue with them.


Next on the list is becoming a crab fisherman. You may already know this job if you’ve completed previous weekly challenges like the Seaman Challenge.

As a quick refresher, you’ll become a crab fisherman by heading into your full-time job list and looking for the Greenhorn career. Since this is a somewhat rare job, you may have to close and reopen your BitLife app or age up a few times to find it. After spotting it, apply for the job and pass the interview to become a crab fisherman.


Capricorn is one of the easiest tasks to complete in this scavenger hunt, as you’ll only need to save up some money over your character’s life. BitLife offers many ways to do this, from getting a high-paying job to becoming famous, waiting for an inheritance, or resorting to crime. Your exact method is up to you; the important part is getting $100,000 in your character’s bank account by any means necessary.

If you want to finish this quickly and have a rich character available, swap over to them and age up one year to automatically complete the Capricorn zodiac objective.


Gemini is one of the hardest on the list if you don’t have the Golden Pacifier, as it requires you to have twins. You can increase your odds of having twins by doing IVF through the fertility menu. Outside of this, it’s completely luck-dependent.

BitLife Gemini zodiac
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Each time your character has a child, there’s a low chance they’ll have twins. In extremely rare cases, you may even have triplets, which, unfortunately, doesn’t count for the scavenger hunt. Continue having children using either IVF, the Golden Pacifier, or luck until you have a pair of twins to finish the next task.


Leo is a zodiac sign that, although is possible in the base game, is much easier to complete if you have a special career pack like Musician, Modeling, or Acting. It requires you to become famous, which you can do with numerous career paths. Below are a few examples outside of the special career options:

  • Chef
  • Writer/author
  • Social Media influencer
  • Reporter
  • Disk Jockey (DJ)
  • Magician
  • Mobile app developer
  • Socialite

The path you choose is entirely up to you, as it mainly requires joining one of these jobs and working hard for a few years until you become famous.


Libra is another zodiac sign that involves pursuing a particular career. This time, you’ll have to become a judge, which is more lengthy than difficult. Below are the exact steps to becoming a judge in BitLife:

  1. Age up until your character graduates secondary school.
  2. Go to university for Criminal Justice.
  3. Enter Law School.
  4. Become a Junior Associate and work for 30 years.
  5. Apply for the Magistrate role after 30 years.
BitLife Libra zodiac
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Once you work as a lawyer for 30 years and become a magistrate, you’ll complete the Libra zodiac sign, knocking out one of this scavenger hunt’s most time-consuming and challenging parts.


Pisces is one of the few tasks you can complete during your character’s childhood. To finish this objective, age your character until they enter middle or secondary school and check the Activities list. Look for your school’s art club and join it to finish this objective.

BitLife Pisces zodiac
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There’s a chance you won’t find this club when you first search the list. Fortunately, BitLife gives you multiple opportunities to find it, including in middle school, secondary school, and university. Browse the lists until you see it, recreating your character only if you exhaust all three options.


Sagittarius is another easy one in this scavenger hunt, as it only requires you to take a quick vacation to another country. To do this, head into Activities, scroll down to Vacation, and pick any country that isn’t your starting one. Your travel class doesn’t matter, but going first class will make your character happier.

BitLife Sagittarius zodiac
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Once you go on vacation to another country, you’ll automatically finish the task without much issue, bringing you one step closer to completing the Zodiac Scavenger Hunt.


Scorpio is an interesting one, as you’ll need to have a special night of passion with not one but two people simultaneously. To set this up, you’ll have to get into a relationship with someone before choosing Threesome and having your partner accept the offer.

BitLife Gemini zodiac
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Unsurprisingly, most people will say no, especially if you’re in a committed relationship. The key to successfully attempting this is to date someone with high craziness stats, which you’ll see as you ask people on dates. Date someone with high craziness before asking for a threesome, allowing you to complete this next task and question what you just spent the last few minutes doing.


Taurus is one of the most challenging riddles to solve, but one of the easiest tasks to do once you figure out its hint. It requires you to get a spa treatment, which you can do by picking Activities, Salon & Spa, and any of the options in the list. I went for a manicure since it’s cheap and quick, but you can choose other options. Once you go for a spa treatment, you’ll complete the next task with only one left to go.


The final task of the Zodiac Scavenger Hunt is tough, as you’ll need to master the violin. You can practice your violin skills through Activities, Mind and Body, and Instruments. Your goal is to max out your skill bar with the violin.

BitLife Virgo zodiac
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For most characters, this is a difficult task that’ll take several years and a lot of money. Having a music special talent will give you a significant advantage, but otherwise, it all comes down to time and money. Once you max out your violin skill, you’ll finish this objective, marking the end of BitLife’s Zodiac Scavenger Hunt.

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Image of Madison Benson
Madison Benson
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Madison has been a long-time fan of all things gaming since her adventures playing Heroes of Might and Magic over 20 years ago. She began her journalism career in 2021 and often enjoys casual life sims, MMORPGs, and action-adventure RPGs in her spare time.