Fallout: two people stood on the outskirts of city that's dilapidated.
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10 Best Fallout companions of all time

Camaraderie, Camaraderie never changes.

Companions in the Fallout series aren’t just cannon fodder NPCs. They can be cannon fodder, yes, but companions in Fallout are full-fledged characters with personalities, which is essential as the Wasteland is a tough place for body and soul alike. Having a badass who’s also a friend nearby greatly enhances the Fallout experience, so let’s look at the best possible companions to have with you as you brave through the Wasteland.

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Orris in Fallout: New Vegas
Image via Steam

10. Orris (Fallout: New Vegas)

Orris is the kind of guy who’ll fire three shots and kill four enemies. Who wouldn’t want such a man by their side in dire times? Sure, that’s less because he has gunslinging skills that match those of Clint Eastwood in the Dollars Trilogy, and more because he’s a conman who pays actors to play dead, but look, how can you say no to a man whose antics will bring such a rare thing as uncontrollable fits of laughter to the people of the Wasteland? If you’re a badass-enough Wasteland dweller, Orris is the best pick for you. If you’re just a regular player, then you’re probably better off with the picks below.

Gannon with and without his pwoer armor
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9. Arcade Gannon (Fallout: New Vegas)

Gannon might not look like the fighting type, but he’s actually the last in a lineage of power armor users, meaning that he has a secret perk called “just bringing his family’s suit to battle”. He’s surprisingly good in combat, and an overall good guy to have around. Also, if you’re not sold on Gannon yet, play your cards straight and he’ll give you his armor. What more can you ask of a companion?

8. Marcus (Fallout 2)

Marcus is a very curious choice for a companion, as he’s a super mutant, something we’re more used to getting killed by than being saved by. Just like all super mutants, he’s good in combat but, unlike most mutants, Marcus is pretty smart, nice enough, and a character you’ll see growing throughout the series.

7. Nick Valentine (Fallout 4)

Valentine is the most visually striking character in all of Fallout 4, and that great design hasn’t gone to waste, as he’s one of the best and funniest companions in the game. Even though Fallout 4 doesn’t usually excel at narrative, it still produced this awesome character that’s a surprisingly successful combination of a sci-fi synth and an old-timey noir-style detective.

Valentine is useful in firefights but, as his job suggests, his true expertise lies with more brainy stuff. He’s great at hacking, which is quite a boon because nobody wants to bother with that.

6. ED-E (Fallout: New Vegas)

And if what bothers you about Nick is his somewhat human appearance, then perhaps it’s time to go full-on robot with ED-E. This is one of the best companions in the series as he’s good in combat, extremely useful as he gives you extra customization options, and doesn’t even spend your companion slot. Yeah, you can venture into the wasteland with ED-E and another companion — even though ED is enough to make you pretty overpowered by itself.

Charon looking as good as ever in New Vegas
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5. Charon (Fallout 3)

If you have seen the Fallout TV show, chances are you’ve greatly enjoyed The Ghoul, the character masterfully played by Walton Goggins. The bad news is that you can’t find and recruit that ghoul in the games, but you can recruit a ghoul, Charon, and you won’t end up disappointed. Just like Goggin’s character, Charon is as tough as he looks and equally efficient at leaving his opponents looking as bad as he does.

Danse in Fallout 4
Image via Steam

4. Danse (Fallout 4)

Danse is easily the least badass-sounding name on this list, so perhaps I should add that the man’s full name and title is Commander Paladin Danse of the Brotherhood of Steel. I don’t know why this guy would care about putting on his power armor and lending the player his immense combat skills, but he does. He never fails to seem stronger than a real human being should, and, unlike Orris, there’s good reason for that — though I won’t spoil it for you, as this character deserves your time.

Craig Boone in New Vegas
Image via Steam

3. Craig Boone (Fallout: New Vegas)

Upon first glance, Boone looks like yet another badass military-type dude. Don’t get me wrong, he is one, boasting some great stats, the ability to wear power armor, and an awesome sniper rifle. Boone excels as a companion because you can buy his friendship early on — which you should do if you want to play the game in an easy mode of sorts — but he’s more than just top brass. As with all things New Vegas, Boone has a surprising amount of depth as a character, and the game is all the better for that.

Goris with and without his cloak
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2. Goris (Fallout 2)

When Orris fails, you bring in the Goris. Even with the help of your best-armed buddy, you might not be able to defeat a Deathclaw, the most terrifying type of monster roaming the Wasteland. A lot of people playing the original Fallout likely wished they could enlist a Deathclaw as their companion, either in an attempt at diplomacy with the Deathclaw-kind, or just to have better odds against one, and, wouldn’t you know it, Fallout 2 gave us the chance to do just that. Enter Goris, a Deathclaw as deadly as any other, but also one so sentient and friendly that he decides to cover himself due to his scary appearance. Goris is wish fulfillment personified in the most gruesome package ever, and that’s what Fallout is all about when at its best.

Dogmeat being a good boy, likely seconds before falling into or accidentaly leading players into a deadly trap.
Image via Bethesda

1. Dogmeat (Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout 4)

I know I’m vile for praising the series’ companions for their top-notch writing, and then picking a dog for first place on this list. Dogmeat isn’t even a dog that gets to talk or communicate with players telepathically via some retro-futuristic gimmick. Dogmeat isn’t uniquely smart — or unique, even, as there are a lot of dogs sharing that name in this series, but a) he’s a dog, and b) he’s been getting better and better with each entry he’s appeared in, with Dogmeat’s improved mechanics being one of the highlights of Fallout 4. Getting an extra pal you can talk with while wandering the wasteland is priceless, but there’s no beating humankind’s best friend.

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Image of Tiago Manuel
Tiago Manuel
Tiago is a freelancer who used to write about video games, cults, and video game cults. He now writes for Destructoid in an attempt to find himself on the winning side when the robot uprising comes.