Anyone remember Sasha from Anarchy Reigns? She’s the violent lady who looks nothing like Bayonetta except for the fact that they both have big shiny butts. That was enough to get some people to call her a Bayonetta clone. Butts — they mean a lot to people. In fact, if you look up “Anarchy Reigns Big Butt” in the Dtoid search field, that story about Sasha is the first thing that comes up.
Strangely enough, if you look up “Anarchy Reigns Big Booty”, a story about the relatively small-butted Mathilda is the first thing you get. Go figure.
I’ve got to wonder how Sasha feels right now? I imagine it’s hard not to fear being upstaged by someone like Bayonetta. The stand-in will now go toe to toe with the starlet. That’s got to be intimidating.
Personally, I’m hoping Sasha comes out on top here. I tend to be a sucker for underdogs. That’s not to say I don’t like Bayonetta too. She’s a great break dancer, an above average magic user, and I really like that she’s totally covered in hair. That said, I still don’t see why she’s so quick to act horny and/or take off all her “clothes” in the middle of a fight. Doesn’t seem very practical.
First Look: Bayonetta in Anarchy Reigns [Andriasang]
Published: Mar 21, 2012 10:30 pm