Wii U owners rejoice
The thing about console game is that they just don’t get discounted enough — even months after release (particularly the good ones, for some odd reason). Wii U owners that still haven’t picked up a copy of Bayonetta 2 gets a little extra incentive today via GameStop/Amazon.
GameStop price cut the game down by 25% earlier today, and Amazon’s robot quickly price matched — this means free shipping and no sales tax. Of course, if you have $0.50 of GameStop credit stored up from that Xbox 360 you sold a few months ago, this is the perfect time to redeem too.
- Bayonetta 2 (Wii U) — $44.97 at GameStop
- Bayonetta 2 (Wii U) — $44.97 at Amazon
We’re not sure how long the deal will last, but these unplanned sales generally don’t stick around forever. Review here as a refresher on why you should probably buy this game.
Update: Amazon’s deal is kaput but GameStop’s is trucking along (pre-owned for $39.99 still there too).
Game deals from Dealzon. FYI: sales from certain retailers help support Destructoid.
Published: May 27, 2015 12:30 pm