Barack Opedophile? Shocking videogame child porn presidential race scandal black

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In a shocking discovery, FOXTOID is able to report on a potentially damaging scandal involving black presidential candidate Barack Obama who is black. It has been confirmed by our expert witness Mrs. Higgins who lives down the road that Obama may have been in a GameStop, which is a store that sells videogames, according to research.

“It might have been him,” said Higgins. “It looked like him anyway. He was a black man.”

As if that wasn’t scandalous enough, Mrs. Higgins has another bombshell for us. While in the store, this black man who might have been Barack Obama was seen purchasing a videogame. Mrs. Higgins, who by this time had pressed her nose up to the storefront window for a closer look, confirms the game was Bratz: The Movie for the Playing Station Two. 

Presidential black candidate Barack Obama purchasing videogames about little girls? UH OH!

What’s more, Mrs. Higgins is 50% sure she saw Barack’s hand gently brush one of the girls’ faces on the cover, and a staggering 70% sure he enjoyed it when he did it. Far be it from this humble reporter to suggest that Bablack Oblacka is a PEDOPHILE, but … c’mon … y’know …

Have YOU seen what might be a black celebrity engaging in pedophillic activity? Has a black man ever had sex with YOUR child? Was he Barack Obama/Eddie Murphy? Could YOU tell the difference? Write to FOXTOID and let us know.

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