Guns N Roses frontman and professional shit Axl Rose has filed a lawsuit against Guitar Hero III publisher Activision, claiming $20 million in damages because the game contains a likeness of former guitarist Slash. Seriously.
According to Rose, he only agreed to let Guitar Hero III use “Jungle” for a track on the condition that the game contained no reference to Slash or the band Velvet Revolver. Since Slash does actually appear as a boss, this is a case of “fraud” on the part of the publisher.
Rose claims to have been enraged by Slash’s inclusion, and by what he calls “a web of lies and deception to conceal its true intentions to not only feature Slash and VR prominently in GH III, but also promote the game by emphasizing and reinforcing an association between Slash and Guns N Roses and the band’s song ‘Welcome to the Jungle’.”
Axl Rose is the third musician to sue Activision over its music franchise, with Courtney Love and No Doubt being first and second. Rose easily has the c*ntiest lawsuit yet, though, so congratulations to him!
Axl Rose sues Activision for $20 million [Reuters]
Published: Nov 24, 2010 08:00 am