While I’m still holding out on Call of Duty: World at War until it gets to that sweet $29.99 price point, I hear many of you really enjoyed killing wave after wave of Nazi zombies.
As a matter of fact, that mode and the multiplayer are the main reasons why I’m even looking to buy World at War. Due to popular demand, more zombie-filled content is coming to the game via a Map Pack.
Straight from Treyarch’s mouth: “Yes, there will be a new wave of undead coming soon and – while we appreciate everyone’s concern (and we don’t condone vandalism) – we assure you that these zombies will only be found in the Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack. Stay tuned for more details!”
There you have it, folks. Everyone who is interested in the aforementioned (albeit vaguely-described) content, raise your hand … or something.
Published: Feb 9, 2009 10:00 pm